If you've already installed blender Add-ons before, you should be familiar with this process.
{info.fa-info} The Add-on is not availible for download yet. We are finilizing the development and hope to release the add-on on the BlenderMarket soon. We do accept ideas and feature requests per mail.
{info.fa-info} This Add-on only works for Blender Version
and up!
fileEdit -> Preferences -> Add-ons
fileInstall Add-on
After a while CitySketch
should show up in the List of availible Add-ons.
{danger.fa-file-archive} The
file should not be renamed. The name should beCitySketch.zip
After installing the Add-on you can search the list for CitySketch
Enable the Add-on by activating the checkbox next to the Add-on name.
Lastly, open the dropdown and press the Install Dependencies
button (see image above). This will install the required python libraries (Shapely
in this case). Depending on your setup, you might need to run Blender with elevated privileges/as an administrator. An active internet connection is also required.
After a short while the add-on will be ready to go.
You might need to restart blender if you're getting error messages.
The main Add-on Interface can be found in the Sidebar.
Open the Sidebar by pressing N
on the keyboard when in the 3D View.
Go to the tab named CitySketch
Here you will find the mail panel for the Add-on
CitySketch requires almost no setup, so you can use it straigt away.
Here is a minmal example showcasing the whole process.
Navigate to the Add-on Panel (See Locate the Add-on)
At the bottom you'll find the CitySketch Assets. Press High Poly Asset Pack
to import the Asset Pack
Press the primary button Generate City
at the top of the Panel
After a short while a 20x20 unit city with the default settings should appear. Please note, it might take slightly longer if thats your first time generating a city. The duration also changes depending on the Hardware you are using.