posted on 08.02.2021
New Realistic and customizable Road System
This time, we have a massive improvement for our road generator. We designed a new algorithm that generates realistic road networks that look much better. One of our goals for this algorithm was to implement it without the use of recursion, which removes the technical limit for the city size and allows you to generate much bigger cities. Of course, if you liked our old road generator, the option to use it remains. We have added a dropdown to the add-on, that lets you pick the algorithm you desire. Both algorithms have slightly different optional settings for you to experiment with. The new realistic algorithm generates various types of road networks from a New York type of grid to a rather organic kind of road network. Hop right into Blender and try out the add-on by generating a giant 3D road network without any modelling in under 1 second. -CitySketch Team
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